
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Episode 31 - Knowing Our Cultural Lenses (feat. Lisa Pak)
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Episode 31 - Knowing Our Cultural Lenses (feat. Lisa Pak)
Whether we are aware of it or not, we all approach life and faith from a specific cultural lens. How does it affect how we read Scripture, our perspective of the church, and even our journey with Christ? What are ways in which we can recognize how our cultural lenses can enrich us or can hinder us? Lisa Pak is BACK on C.A.M.P. for a fun conversation on knowing ourselves, the ways in which God has made all people with unique cultures, and how being aware of our lenses shape the way in which we connect and engage others.
Find out more about Canadian Bible Society at biblesociety.ca
Connect with Lisa Pak at LPak@biblesociety.ca
Check out episodes of See, Hear, Love at seehearlove.com
Lisa Pak's bio at See, Hear, Love at seehearlove.com/meet-the-team/lisa-pak/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Episode 30 - An Old New Way Of Mission: Breaking Out Of The Center (feat. Kevin Lee)
As religious affiliations decline and the influence of the church in culture changes, it leads those who are living on God's mission to consider and reclaim ways of engaging those around them. What does it mean to be pushed to the margins and to operate from the outside? How can we lean into the diversity of the Kingdom and resist urges to form isolated communities? Join in for an insightful conversation with Kevin Lee as we discuss how we can be God's presence as the church from new angles!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Episode 29 - The Transformative Power Of Hospitality (feat. Bianca Armstrong & Lis Lam)
Is hospitality just about being nice or do they open up relationally transformative spaces? As we consider how we are to live on mission and to engage with each other and our communities, the practice of welcoming one another reflects the heart of God and extends His presence into the world.
We have a in depth and laugh-filled conversation with Lis Lam (from The Subversive Table) and Bianca Armstrong (from Youth Unlimited's Light Patrol) about the deep power of how hospitality and gathering around the table are God's design to shape both the guest and the host.
Connect with Lis and check out The Subversive Table at https://thesubversivetable.com/
The Subversive Table on social media:
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/thesubversivetable/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesubversivetable/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesubversivetable/
Connect with Bianca and check out Light Patrol at: http://www.yugta.ca/team/
Support Bianca's work at: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/m/33165/donation
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Episode 28 - The Relationship Between Parachurch Ministries & The Local Church (feat. Letty Wong)
What are parachurch organizations and where did they come from?! More importantly, how are they related to the local church? In the Asian context, with campus ministries, sports ministries, movements, and large conferences, what are some healthy and unhealthy perspectives on that relationship? Partnership or opposition? Join in for a fun conversation with our good friend Letty Wong as we imagine how that relationship can work together for God's Kingdom!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Episode 27 - "Coming Out" And Into The Conversation On Sexual Identities and Same-Sex Attraction (feat. Min Soo Kang)
As the conversation is continuing to open up around the topics of sexual identity and same-sex attractions in our culture, how do we navigate through the complexities and be attentive to how God is working? Especially with the stigmas that arise out of Asian heritages, how do we learn to seek Christ out together with grace, to walk alongside each other, and to engage the world with a posture of humility, listening, and surrender to the Holy Spirit's work.
An important conversation with our friend Min-Soo Kang about his surprising journey of encountering Jesus in unexpected ways and what that has taught him about what it means to walk alongside others who share the same experiences, both as part of the church and in the safe spaces of community.
For more information on Journey Canada, please visit: www.journeycanada.org
To get in touch with Min-Soo, please e-mail him at: minsoo@journeycanada.org
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Episode 26 - Post-Secondary/Post-Grad Engagement and Disengagement (feat. Letty Wong)
Many studies have shown that an increasing number of young adults have become disengaged from their faith and have left the church. How can we understand these alarming statistics and conclusions? What are some of the factors leading to this silent exodus? Are there areas of disconnect and barriers that make it difficult for transitions to happen? Join us on this important conversation with our good friend Letty Wong as we explore and discern how to respond and consider these findings!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Episode 25 - Love As The Language Of Mission (feat. Dr. Gary Chapman)
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Episode 25 - Love As The Language Of Mission (feat. Dr. Gary Chapman)
How is fostering deeper and intentional relationships at the core of how God is redeeming and restoring the world? What would it look like if our living out and sharing the gospel was wrapped up around loving one another?
Join us for a fantastic conversation with Dr. Gary Chapman as we dive into how he formed his understanding of the different languages of love, what are some practical steps to break through cultural barriers that prevent us from closeness and intimacy, and how loving others go hand-in-hand with God's mission.
Check out more resources, books, and DVDs at www.5lovelanguages.com
To find out more about Dr. Gary Chapman, check out: www.5lovelanguages.com/gary-chapman
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Episode 24 - Family On Mission (feat. Martin & Ruth Ghent)
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Episode 24 - Family On Mission (feat. Martin & Ruth Ghent)
What happens when our call to participate on God's mission and the rhythms and responsibilities of the family collide? Are these two parts of life in opposition to each other? OR has God always intended for the gospel to be lived out and for discipleship to happen in the context of families?
We jump into the conversation with our friends Martin & Ruth as they share their experiences of raising their children on the mission field and practical ways in which to grow and serve together. Check it out!
Get connected with OMF at OMF.ORG
For more information about OMF's ministry in Japan, check out: omf.org/asia/japan/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
BONUS: Outtakes with Lisa Pak (Canadian Bible Society: Engagement To All Peoples From Different Cultures)
How can we engage people from different cultures and backgrounds with the gospel? One main way is to be able to meet them where they are at and provide access to Scripture in their own languages. Come and hear about the Canadian Bible Society and the passion they have for translating the Bible, making it available to every people group across Canada, and reaching all nations, whether native, immigrant, or displaced.
There were so many great insights from our last conversation with Lisa that we weren't able to squeeze it all into our main episode (Episode 21), but we really thought they were worth sharing and wrestling through.
Find out more about Canadian Bible Society at biblesociety.ca
Connect with Lisa Pak at LPak@biblesociety.ca
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – Love Shine © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Jan 04, 2019
C.A.M.P. T-SHIRT GIVE AWAY!! (Deadline January 15)
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Happy New Years everyone! We're doing a little contest to give away an exclusive limited edition Canadian Asian Missional Podcast T-Shirt. Here's how to enter:
- Find our page on Facebook or click this LINK. Like and follow our page!
- Find the post about the T-shirt give away contest.
- Reply by tagging a friend who isn't already listening to C.A.M.P. but might be interested and tell us what your favourite episode is so far.
Easy!! 3 simple steps and you've got a chance to win. We will randomly choose a winner on January 15 and send them a T-Shirt!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission