
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Episode 23 - Forming A Biblical Perspective Of Mission (feat. Dr. Christopher Wright)
Kicking off the new year with a conversation with international missiologist and author Dr. Christopher Wright! Not only do we get to hear a bit about the journey of this brilliant thinker, but we get to unpack and explore the ways in which we have formed our view of the mission of God through Scripture, some of the pitfalls we may face in our reading and cultural influences, and how we are invited to participate in His story in our lives and ministries. LET'S DO THIS!!!
Find out more about the Langham Partnership HERE!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
BONUS: Outtakes with Lisa Pak (Lessons From Waiting & Uncertainity)
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
BONUS: Outtakes with Lisa Pak (Lessons From Waiting & Uncertainty)
Waiting and uncertainty are some of the hardest lessons to learn in life. Hear the other side of the story of Rev. Lim's persecution (Ep. 16) from those who were back home in Canada awaiting updates, learning to trust God, and seeing new opportunities in which to engage the world!
There were so many great insights from our last conversation with Lisa that we weren't able to squeeze it all into our main episode (Episode 21), but we really thought they were worth sharing and wrestling through.
Find out more about Canadian Bible Society at biblesociety.ca
Connect with Lisa Pak at LPak@biblesociety.ca
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – Love Shine © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Episode 22 - First Year Reflection & Listener Questions On Retention, Proximity, and Racism
It's the end of our first year and we take a moment to reflect on the incredible opportunity to engage in the conversation around the mission of God in the Canadian Asian context. It's been a wild ride of listening, learning from others, and working out what it means for us on many levels! Plus, we get a chance to respond quickly to some of the feedback and questions that our listeners have given us.
For Shu, Bernard, and Jon, Merry Christmas and thanks for joining us on this journey!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Saturday Dec 08, 2018
BONUS: Spotlight on Japanese Culture, Part 2 (feat. Martin & Ruth Ghent)
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
BONUS: Spotlight on Japanese Culture, Part 2 (feat. Martin & Ruth Ghent)
As we continue to form our understanding of the Canadian Asian landscape, we dive deeper into the Japanese culture to examine their connection to place, the shut-in culture, the values of honour and shame, and their distant perspective on religions. Join us with our missionary friends Martin & Ruth Ghent as we explore Japanese heritage, how gospel engagement can look, and what we can learn from this unique culture towards understanding Canadian Asian ministries.
Get connected with OMF at OMF.ORG
For more information about OMF's ministry in Japan, check out: omf.org/asia/japan/
Check out part 1 of our spotlight into Japanese culture with Kevin Ueta HERE!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Episode 21 - A Woman's Journey Into Canadian Asian Ministry (feat. Lisa Pak)
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Episode 21 - A Woman's Journey Into Canadian Asian Ministry (feat. Lisa Pak)
An eye-opening conversation with our very special guest Lisa Pak on her own personal journey into ministry, the specific issues and challenges that women face in the Canadian Asian Context, and the perspectives of the past and current generations in regards to what it looks to lead as men and women together. A very important and timely conversation that unpacks history, cultural influences, and how God views and calls His people.
Find out more about Canadian Bible Society at biblesociety.ca
Connect with Lisa Pak at LPak@biblesociety.ca
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Episode 20 - Community & Mission: The Value Of Being WITH People (feat. Christine Lee & Lorraine Lam)
What's the difference between ministry TO people and ministry WITH & AMONG people? How can we be more aware and sensitive to the issues that shape the community and context and be able to engage and live life out together with others? Check out our fantastic conversation with Christine Lee (from Urban Promise) and Lorraine Lam (from Sanctuary) and what they've learned about participating with God on His mission by just being with others, listening to their stories, sharing a meal around a table, and learning to bless and receive. As our guests mentioned a number of times, come & see!
Find out more about the Sanctuary community at sanctuarytoronto.ca
Connect with Lorraine Lam at lorrainel@sanctuarytoronto.ca
Find out more about Urban Promise Toronto at www.urbanpromise.com
Connect with Christine Lee at christine@urbanpromise.com
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
BONUS: Re:Finable (James Yang) – From A Performance-Based Tradition To A Grace-Shaped Paradigm
In life, marriage, and ministry, the impact of God's grace can completely reshape everything! Join us on this special Re:Finable episode as Korean pastor James Yang shares his gospel-shaped story through his experiences of living with a two-tone worldview, being surprised with the depths of Christ's love, and discovering new spaces for compassion and discipleship.
Theophilus Devos on YouTube
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Credits: aKu – Love Shine © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Episode 19 - Designing Buildings To Kingdom Building
The story of two different Asian architects and their journey of how architecture has impacted their faith, how they were each able to be a light for Christ in corporate firms, and how God has led them both into full-time vocational ministry, one in a church context and another to a non-profit design organization. Join the conversation with our special guests William Leung and Danny Chong and get ready for a new imagination of Kingdom building!
Connect with William Leung on Instagram @devodoodler.
Connect with Danny Chong at Engineering Ministries International to find out more about his ministry and how you can support him.
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
BONUS: Spotlight on Filipino Canadian Churches, Part 1 (feat. Narry Santos)
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
BONUS: Spotlight on Filipino Canadian Churches, Part 1 (feat. Narry Santos)
As one of the youngest Asian people groups, Filipinos have quickly integrated and adapted to all aspects of Canadian life, while maintaining their values and history from their country of origin. Whether it be a history with the Catholic church, the strong bond of the family, the diaspora around the world, or the nobility of sacrificially working abroad, Filipinos have been shaped by so many factors in the way they understand themselves as a people and in their relationship with God and the church.
Join us as we dive into this specific cultural context with special guest Dr. Narry Santos as we explore Filipino heritage and Christianity and examine what we can learn from this unique church culture and our understanding of Canadian Asian ministries.
Dr. Narry Santos at Tyndale
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches.
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Episode 18 - Navigating The World Of Politics Through A Missional Perspective
As the church on the mission of God, how do we discern and engage with the political arena as we seek the flourishing of our neighbourhoods and cities? What is our understanding between the relationship between the government and the church, especially through our cultural lenses, and how can we respond to differences of platforms and policies? On the eve of a municipal election, we jump into the conversation to unpack this complicated topic and imagine a new way to be the tangible presence of God in our world!
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission