
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
BONUS: Re:Finable (Mark Allan Groleau) – From A Spiritual Abusive Beginning To Following Jesus As Guru
After walking away from the church and faith, hear how Mark Allan Groleau encounter Jesus halfway around the world as he was teaching English in Korea. Mark shares how the gospel is restoring many facets of his life from past experiences, how Jesus has given a new picture of what it means to be both a follower and a human being, and how God has been leading him to engage his neighbours and city in creative and unbridled ways! Join us as we take a glance into the Mark's life in our special Re:Finable episode.
St. Stephen's University____________________________
How To Officiate A Wedding! YouTube channel
Unboring! Wedding Day Love Stories Podcast
Mark Allan Groleau on Twitter
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Credits: aKu – Love Shine © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Episode 17 - Communicating & Preaching The Gospel In A Canadian Asian Context (feat. Daniel Wong)
Good news, everybody! But how do we communicate the gospel of Jesus to a culture with its unique traditions, histories, and context? What does it mean to learn and listen to the values and narratives of generations of Canadian Asians in order to proclaim the gospel in ways that will speak into their discipleship journey? Join the conversation with our special guest, Daniel Wong, as we dive into these topics and more on our lastest episode!
Dr. Daniel L. Wong is Associate Professor of Christian Ministries at Tyndale University College & Seminary and Director of Modular Programs at the University College. He served as an English Ministry pastor in two Canadian Chinese churches before teaching at Tyndale. He is active in preaching, pastoring and coaching pastors in the Canadian Asian context.
In addition, Dr. Wong is currently co-writing Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching (Lexham Press) with Dr. Matthew D. Kim of Gordon-Conwell Seminary.
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Episode 16 - Persecution, Suffering, And God's Mission (feat. Hyeon Soo Lim)
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Episode 16 - Persecution, Suffering, And God's Mission (feat. Hyeon Soo Lim)
What does it mean to be persecuted and suffer as we participate on God's mission in our city and world? It's an amazing honour to have Rev. Hyeon Soo Lim with us today to talk about his experiences in serving those in need in North Korea and his imprisonment as a result. How can we understand sharing with Christ's experiences for our own lives? What does that mean for the freedom and privileges we do have as Canadian Asians? Check out this inspiring story!
Thanks to Lisa Pak for being our translator for this episode!
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Episode 15 - Different Languages? Multiple Congregations? One Church (feat. Jason Fan)
How do we embody unity, especially when there are different languages and multiple congregations with their own approach to leadership and who they should be as the church? Is it possible to come together to grow and move in one direction amidst cultural and traditional difference? Check out how this happened in our friend Jason Fan's church and how God led them to a new picture of mutuality and collaboration!
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Episode 14 - Memoirs Of A First-Generational Forward-Thinking Pastor (feat. Jonathan Kaan)
How are the past and future of Canadian Asian churches connected? It's a real honour to have Rev. Jonathan Kaan with us today to talk about his experiences of being one of the first Chinese church planters in major Canadian cities. What has it looked like to connect with minority groups in new cities? What are some ways that we can partner with others in a multicultural soceity? What have some of the challenges been in regards to planting new Canadia Asian churches? And based on his observations, what are some of the critical questions about the shape of the CA church to come? Check out this amazing story!
Thanks to Wing Nip for being our translator for this episode!
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Episode 13 - A Theology Of Place
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Episode 13 - A Theology Of Place
Location, location, location!! Do the spaces in which you live, work, and play matter in the mission of God? Is there any significance to the address of our church buildings? Does loving our neighbour mean we have to love our neighbourhood? Join us as we discuss forming a theology that exists in a tangible place, how our surroundings impact and shape our communities, the approaches of different generations, and the various ways in which we can work together to engage the people who surround us.
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
BONUS: Outtakes with Chris Pui (Prayer, Motivations, and Church Buildings)
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
BONUS: Outtakes with Chris Pui (Prayer, Motivations, and Church Buildings)
Nom nom!! There were so many great insights from our last conversation with Chris that we weren't able to squeeze it all into our main episode (Episode 12 - Business On Mission), but we really thought they were worth sharing and chewing on. Check out these thoughts on how we pray, the attitudes and motivations for our approaches to ministry, and what it means to start well, especially when it comes to thinking through finances and buildings!
Funky Munky Website - http://funkymunky.ca/
Recorded on location at Duo Patisserie - https://www.duo-patisserie.com/
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – Love Shine © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Episode 12 - Business On Mission: The Story Of Funky Munky (feat. Chris Pui)
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Episode 12 - Business On Mission: The Story Of Funky Munky (feat. Chris Pui)
How can we envision business as a way to participate and live on God’s mission in our communities and cities? Chris Pui, founder of Funky Munky Cafe, shares his journey and insights on taking big steps of faith; having a sense of urgency; being ok with failure; hiring and working with staff; intentional relationships and opportunities; and ultimately seeing God’s bigger picture through business. Get ready to be encouraged and challenged by this amazing story!
Funky Munky Website - http://funkymunky.ca/
Recorded on location at Duo Patisserie - https://www.duo-patisserie.com/
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Sunday Jul 08, 2018
BONUS: Spotlight on Korean Canadian Churches, Part 1 (feat. James Yang)
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
BONUS: Spotlight on Korean Canadian Churches, Part 1 (feat. James Yang)
Ever wondered why Koreans are so devoted to gathering for morning prayer? From the struggles of feeling isolated as a minority group to the challenges of finding their own communal identity as a Canadian Asian church, we sit down and chat with our good friend James Yang to explore Korean culture and traditions and examine its impact on their understanding of Christianity and spiritual practices.
Theophilus Devos Website - https://theophilusdevos.com/
Theophilus Devos on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/joonsjeet/about
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Episode 11 - Leadership In The Canadian Asian Context (Part 2)
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Episode 11 - Leadership In The Canadian Asian Context (Part 2)
Who’s the boss?!! Continuing our conversation, we take a look at how Jesus led and how His leadership shapes our understanding of authority, power, efficiency, and mutual submission, especially in the context of Asian ministries and families. What does it look like to break out of roles and identities that are rooted in hierarchy, fear, coercion, and control? Join us as we tackle these important issues and how it impacts us as servant and missional leaders!
Also, check out our partners, New Leaf Network, to see and hear how this amazing organization is engaging in the work to build up churches - https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission