
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Episode 37 - Technology And The Church, Part. 1 (feat. Gord Poon & Chun Ling Ho)
How does technology impact the church and the way we tell stories and connect in relationship? How do we decide how much or how little to use? As we continually discern our leadership and narratives, how do evaluate the best approach for our context and to be focused on mission? We jump into a conversation with our good friends, Gord Poon and Chun Ling Ho, in our first part on discussing this important topic.
Chun Ling's website: Please Call Me Chun
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Episode 36 - The Practice Of Neighbouring (feat. Preston Pouteaux)
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Episode 36 - The Practice Of Neighbouring (feat. Preston Pouteaux)
What does the mission of God have to do with being a good neighbour? Turns out, quite a lot! We talk to author, pastor, and bee-keeper, Rev. Dr. Preston Pouteaux about the journey that God has led him on to seeing how He is present and working in his neighbourhood and how to join Him in pursuing what is good, beautiful, and lovely. Also, we unpack practical ideas on how to start imagining and living in new ways with the people around you to make space for the Holy Spirit to work. Check it out!
Preston's website: Into The Neighbourhood
Books: The Bees Of Rainbow Falls: Finding Faith, Imagination, and Delight in Your Neighbourhood
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Episode 35 - Asian Perspectives On Mental Health (feat. Herman Chow & Estella Cheong)
How is mental health seen from an Asian lens? Are certain people groups or generations more or less open to exploring this aspect of our lives and seek out help when it is needed? What have been some of the major factors that have contributed to issues surrounding mental illness and emotional trauma? Join us in a conversation with psychotherapists Herman Chow & Estella Cheong as we tackle this subject from an Asian perspective and talk about how the church plays a role to come alongside others toward healing and restoration.
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission
![[ION Conference Toronto #4] Growing In Understanding & Applying Orality](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2387773/CAMP_Logo_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
[ION Conference Toronto #4] Growing In Understanding & Applying Orality
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
[ION Conference Toronto #4] Growing In Understanding & Applying Orality
In our last set of reflections, panelists and participants share about how their understanding of orality expanded throughout the conference and what the next steps were in how they plan to implement and apply it to their lives and ministry.
It was an absolute honour to partner with the International Orality Network for their North American Regional Conference 2019 in Toronto. Click on the link below for more information about their ministry and a snapshot of what happened during the conference.
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission
![[ION Conference Toronto #3] Deconstructing/Reconstructing Ethnic & Generational Factors](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2387773/CAMP_Logo_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
[ION Conference Toronto #3] Deconstructing/Reconstructing Ethnic & Generational Factors
In our third set of reflections, we hear from a number of panelists and participants about how the cultures and histories in which we come out of can deeply affect our view of gospel engagement, evangelism, and identity. Plus, we talk about how to bridge across the gaps of ethnic and generational divides!
It was an absolute honour to partner with the International Orality Network for their North American Regional Conference 2019 in Toronto. Click on the link below for more information about their ministry and a snapshot of what happened during the conference.
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission
![[ION Conference Toronto #2] Embodying The Gospel: Insights On Race, Stories, And Art](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2387773/CAMP_Logo_300x300.jpg)
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
[ION Conference Toronto #2] Embodying The Gospel: Insights On Race, Stories, And Art
In our second set of reflections, we hear from a number of panelists and participants about how the gospel is embodied and how that affects the way we think about ourselves in regards to faith, race, and gender. Also, listen to participants describe how our creativity and art is a way to allow the gospel to resonate with our emotions and relationships!
It was an absolute honour to partner with the International Orality Network for their North American Regional Conference 2019 in Toronto. Click on the link below for more information about their ministry and a snapshot of what happened during the conference.
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission
![[ION Conference Toronto #1] How Narratives Shape People & Ministry (And Why We Are Fascinated With Movies)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2387773/CAMP_Logo_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
[ION Conference Toronto #1] How Narratives Shape People & Ministry (And Why We Are Fascinated With Movies)
In our first set of reflections, we hear from a number of panelists and participants about the importance of stories, how they help us to understand life, and what they reveal about our deepest longings.
It was an absolute honour to partner with the International Orality Network for their North American Regional Conference 2019 in Toronto. Click on the link below for more information about their ministry and a snapshot of what happened during the conference.
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Road To ION Conference Toronto - Whoever Has Ears, Let Them Hear (feat. Naomi Frizzell)
How do we meet people where they are when the way they learn, grow, and connect has shifted in our society? How does that affect our engagement and help them to be marinated in the gospel message? In our final episode in our mini-series "Road To ION Conference Toronto", we have an insightful conversation with Naomi Frizzell, Director of the Programs Team for this year's conference and also the Executive Director of Audio Scripture Ministries.
BIG NEWS! CAMP is partnering with the International Orality Network to bring you conversations with the speakers and leaders from their upcoming North American conference (October 3-4, North York Chinese Baptist Church, Toronto). Click on the link below for more information and to register. Looking forward to seeing you there!
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Road To ION Conference Toronto - A Song Of Hope & Redemption Amidst Colonialism, Poverty, and Injustice (feat. Jonathan Maracle)
Against the backdrop of the struggles of the First Nations people, how can the walls of hostility, marginalization, and violence be broken down? Come and hear the journey of Jonathan Maracle, a Native Canadian leader and musical artist, who has experienced Christ's redemption and reconciliation in his life and among the tribes and seeks to spread a message of restoration and dignity through song and storytelling. PLUS, stay tuned until the end for a glimpse of Broken Walls' music!
BIG NEWS! CAMP is partnering with the International Orality Network to bring you conversations with the speakers and leaders from their upcoming North American conference (October 3-4, North York Chinese Baptist Church, Toronto). Click on the link below for more information and to register. Looking forward to seeing you there!
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits:
aKu – The Final Blow © 2019 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission
Broken Walls - Ride The Wind © 2002 Broken Walls All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Road To ION Conference Toronto - You Have Heard It Said (feat. Jerry Wiles)
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Road To ION Conference Toronto - You Have Heard It Said (feat. Jerry Wiles)
Hearing is believing!! A fantastic episode exploring the concept of orality and the shifts that are happening in culture. Even in the North American context, there is a shift from a textual society to preferred non-written expressions. What can we learn as we consider what it means to communicate and embody the gospel? How does this challenge us in the way we contextualize our engagement and discipleship? Join us for an insightful conversation with North American Regional Director, Jerry Wiles, as we dive into the topic of orality and what we learn from considering this oral traditions.
BIG NEWS! CAMP is partnering with the International Orality Network to bring you conversations with the speakers and leaders from their upcoming North American conference (October 3-4, North York Chinese Baptist Church, Toronto). Click on the link below for more information and to register. Looking forward to seeing you there!
ION Conference Toronto: North American Regional Conference
Please remember to subscribe to our podcast to join the conversation as we regularly discuss all things related to being Canadian, Asian, and missional. Leave us your comments and feedback and let's do this together!
Music Credits: aKu – The Final Blow © 2018 aKu All Rights Reserved, Used With Permission